When our REC Compliance Test certificate dropped through our letterbox, it was real cause for celebration at A1 Locums. Why, you may ask, is this recognition such a big deal?

When you’ve been running a veterinary recruitment company for almost 20 years and have seen the industry change massively over time, it’s a proud moment to know you are riding the crest of the wave; you are right there where all the action is; you are neck and neck with the front runners in recruitment.
Having achieved 97% in the Test is a firm acknowledgement that your company demonstrates an understanding of the REC’s Code of Professional Practice. It’s a significant statement that says A1 Locums really does meet the requirements for the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations. This ethos is embedded in the way we do business.
I’m thinking back to how we operated when I started in recruitment: telephone calls, personal meetings, faxes and posted letters were the order of the day. Social media was not even a twinkle in the eye of the Mark Zuckerbergs of the world. Compared to how candidates searched for jobs way back then – today, with the swipe of an app or a quick search phrase, candidate and employer can be linked in a flash, without a human conversation necessarily having taken place. Communication is fully mobile and instantly accessible anywhere, any time of day.
But what lies behind the achievement of this certificate? Let me take you on a trip to a picturesque setting, to a farm in the Northamptonshire countryside, to a barn nestling among stables, sweeping fields and ancient woodlands; the offices and people that make up A1 Locums. We are not only veterinary recruiters; we also truly adore animals! Ring the doorbell and Wilbur the dog and TC the cat will be the first to investigate your arrival. Step inside and it’s a hive of friendly activity, where we do what we do best; matching top candidates to the best veterinary jobs.
The REC has established that we have the tools needed to be a compliant and efficient recruitment business, but more importantly, we have people you can pick up the phone to, people who are not hidden behind faceless digital platforms, but real people who are interested in your next move as a locum vet or nurse. I am proud to say that my team is immensely dedicated; they’re professional, skilled and experienced. We are fortunate enough to have built up great relationships with practices around the country over the years, and those practices know that at the drop of the proverbial hat, they can call us to find them a suitable candidate. Candidates, in turn, have come to trust that we will match them to the right practice and keep them informed about the latest locum jobs.
Attaining REC membership means being among the best in recruitment. So yes, this certificate is rather a big deal. – Clare, Managing Director