Vacancy Details

Small Animal Vet

Locum Vet in Surrey

07/04/2025 - OPEN
South East
  • Accommodation not available
  • Small Animal
  • Full time
  • Part time
Vet vacancies at a practice in Epsom (part & full time).

Vet 1 - 4 days per week 9am to 7pm, 1 Saturday morning in 3 from 9am to 12pm (cons and ops).

Vet 2 - 1 day per week 9am to 7pm, 1 day per week 8.30am to 6.30pm (2 different branches), 1 Saturday morning in 3 from 9am to 12pm.

You will need to bd able to drive (own car) and happy to be on social media.

Please call 01280 850575 or email
